Arco AM/PM (Dunnigan)

Days: Every Wednesday
Hours: 4:00 PM - while supplies last
Address: 30035 Rd 8, Dunnigan, CA, 95937, USA
Notes: This is a drive-through food distribution. Please stay in your car and follow volunteers' directions.

Partner Food Access

ASUCD The Pantry

Days: Monday - Friday
Hours: M-Thur: 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM, Friday: 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Address: University of California, Davis, Memorial Union, Shields Avenue , Davis, CA, 95616, USA
Phone: (530) 752-2612
Notes: UC Davis students only.


City Of West Sacramento Parking Lot

Days: Every Saturday
Hours: 8:30 AM - while supplies last
Address: 1271 West Capitol Avenue, West Sacramento, CA, 95691, USA
Notes: This is a walk-up distribution. Please bring your own bags or cart.


Clarksburg Firehouse

Days: 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month
Hours: 11:30 AM - while supplies last
Address: 52902 Clarksburg Rd, Clarksburg, CA, 95612, USA
Notes: This is a walk-up food distribution. Please bring your own bags or cart.

Partner Food Access

Davis Community Meals

Days: Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
Hours: 5:45 PM - 6:30 PM, Sat: 11:30 AM - 12:15 PM
Address: 640 Hawthorne Ln, Davis, CA, 95616, USA
Phone: (530) 753-9204
Hot Meals Available!


Empower Yolo

Days: 8:30 AM - while supplies last
Hours: Every Tuesday
Address: 9586 Mill St, Knights Landing , CA, 95645, USA
Notes: This is a walk-up food distribution. Please bring your own bags or cart.


Empower Yolo

Days: 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month
Hours: 10:00 AM - while supplies last
Address: 441 D Street, Davis, CA, 95616, USA
Notes: This is a walk-up food distribution. Please bring your own bags or cart.


Guinda Grange Hall

Days: 9:30 AM - while supplies last
Hours: 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month
Address: 16787 Forest Ave, Guinda, CA, 95637, USA
Notes: This is a drive-through food distribution. Please stay in your car and follow volunteers' directions.


Home Church

Days: Every Monday
Hours: 3:30 PM — while supplies last
Address: 108 W Woodland Ave, Woodland, CA, 95695, USA
Notes: This is a walk-up distribution. Please bring your own bags or cart.


Kentucky Avenue Church of Christ

Days: 3rd Saturday of the month
Hours: 10:30 AM — while supplies last
Address: 470 Kentucky Ave, Woodland, CA, 95696, USA
Notes: This is a drive-through food distribution. Please stay in your car and follow volunteers' directions.


Madison Community Committee Food Closet

Days: 4:00 PM - while supplies last
Hours: 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month
Address: 28963 Main St, Madison, CA, 95653, USA
Notes: This is a walk-up food distribution. Please bring your own bags or cart.


Masjid Aisha

Days: Every Tuesday
Hours: 8:30 AM - while supplies last
Address: 700 Glide Avenue, West Sacramento, CA, 95691, USA
Notes: This is a walk-up food distribution. Please bring your own bags or cart.


RISE, Inc.

Days: 9:30 AM - while supplies last
Hours: 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month
Address: 17317 Fremont St, Esparto, CA, 95627, USA
Notes: This is a walk-up food distribution. Please bring your own bags or cart.


RISE, Inc.

Days: 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month
Hours: 10:00 AM - while supplies last
Address: 417 Haven Street, Winters, CA, 95694, USA
Notes: This is a walk-up food distribution. Please bring your own bags or cart.


Sacramento City College – Davis Center

Days: Every Thursday
Hours: 10:00 AM - while supplies last
Address: 1720 Jade Street, Davis, CA, 95616, USA
Notes: This is a walk-up food distribution. Please bring your own bags or cart.

Partner Food Access

Salvation Army

Days: Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Hours: M: 8:30 AM -11:30 AM, W: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM, F: 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Address: 413 Main St, Woodland, CA, 95695, USA
Phone: (530) 661-0141


University Covenant Church

Days: Every Tuesday
Hours: 3:00 PM - while supplies last
Address: 315 Mace Blvd, Davis, CA, 95616, USA
Notes: This is a drive-through and walk-up food distribution. If you use the drive-through service, please stay in your car and follow the volunteers' directions. If you use the walk-up service, please bring your own bags or cart.


Winters High School

Days: Every Wednesday
Hours: 3:30 PM - while supplies last
Address: 101 Grant Avenue, Winters, CA, 95694, USA
Notes: This is a drive-through and walk-up food distribution. If you use the drive-through service, please stay in your car and follow the volunteers' directions. If you use the walk-up service, please bring your own bags or cart.


Woodland Community and Senior Center

Days: 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month
Hours: 5:00 PM - while supplies last
Address: 2001 East St, Woodland, CA, 95695, USA
Notes: This is a walk-up food distribution. Please bring your own bags or cart. The distribution is located on the east side of the building.


Woodland Community College

Days: Every Thursday
Hours: 8:30 AM - while supplies last
Address: 2300 E Gibson Rd, Woodland, CA, 95776, USA
Notes: This is a drive-through food distribution. Please stay in your car and follow volunteers' directions.


YCCA West Sacramento Family Resource Center

Days: Every Friday
Hours: 9:00 AM - while supplies last
Address: 1200 Anna Street, West Sacramento, CA, 95691, USA
Notes: This is a drive-through food distribution. Please stay in your car and follow volunteers' directions.


Yolo Library

Days: 9:30 AM - while supplies last
Hours: Every Tuesday
Address: 37817 Sacramento St, Yolo, CA, 95697, USA
Notes: This is a drive-through and walk-up food distribution. If you use the drive-through service, please stay in your car and follow the volunteers' directions. If you use the walk-up service, please bring your own bags or cart.